Scientific Articles and Reference Materials

The "Scientific Articles and Reference Materials" database is designed to manage and organize scholarly articles and reference materials used for research and academic purposes. This database facilitates the storage, retrieval, and categorization of scientific literature and related documents, ensuring that users can easily access and reference the necessary materials for their work.
Scientific Articles and Reference Materials Database Illustration


The Articles table serves as the core repository for scientific articles. It includes details such as the article's type, name, date of publication, authors, source, and URLs for both the source and the article itself. This table also stores file attachments for the articles and notes related to each entry. It is essential for tracking and managing the articles, making it easier for researchers to locate and review the documents relevant to their studies.

The Reference Materials table focuses on supplementary materials that support the articles. It includes information about the reference materials, such as the name, source URL, associated article name, and file attachments. This table helps in organizing and linking additional resources that complement the scientific articles, ensuring that all necessary reference materials are readily available for thorough research and study.

Overall, the database is a valuable tool for researchers and academics, providing an organized system for managing scientific literature and related reference materials. It enhances the efficiency of accessing and utilizing scholarly resources, supporting effective research and knowledge development.

To help you make the system work for your needs, we have developed the following service program:

  • Discuss your needs with our staff.
  • We’ll determine and confirm the workflow logic of your database.
  • We’ll create a ready-to-use database to fit your exact business model.
  • You’ll get a solution designed especially for your needs.

Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.

We offer free system configuration assistance
(up to 4 hours of consulting work).

If you decide that our database is not exactly what you need - you owe nothing.
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