Clients and Locations

The "Clients and Locations" database is designed to manage information about organizations, their locations, employees, individual clients, contracts, and products. This database helps streamline operations, ensuring that all relevant details are easily accessible and organized for effective management and decision-making.
Clients and Locations Database Illustration


The Organizations table stores information about various organizations, including their name, level, parent organization name, and other relevant details. This table helps maintain a hierarchical structure of organizations, allowing for easy identification of parent and subsidiary relationships.

The Locations table contains details about the physical locations of organizations. It includes the location name, associated organization, address details (street, city, state, zip, country), phone, fax, and other relevant information. This table is essential for managing the geographical distribution of organizations and their operational sites.

The Employees table records information about the employees working within the organizations. It includes the employee's name, salutation, first name, middle name, last name, gender, location name, contact details (cell number, phone number, fax number, email address), and other relevant details. This table helps in maintaining a comprehensive record of all employees and their assigned locations.

The Individuals table stores information about individual clients. It includes their name, salutation, first name, middle name, last name, gender, contact details (phone number, cell number, fax number, email address), date of birth, social security number, and other relevant details. This table helps in managing individual client information separately from organizational clients.

The Contracts table tracks the contractual agreements between the organization and its clients or employees. It includes the reference number, product name, employee name, individual name, renewal date, initial purchase date, and other relevant details. This table is crucial for managing the lifecycle of contracts, ensuring timely renewals and tracking the association between products and clients or employees.

The Products table contains information about the products offered by the organization. It includes the product name, description, and other relevant details. This table helps in maintaining a catalog of products, facilitating easy reference and management of product-related information.

To help you make the system work for your needs, we have developed the following service program:

  • Discuss your needs with our staff.
  • We’ll determine and confirm the workflow logic of your database.
  • We’ll create a ready-to-use database to fit your exact business model.
  • You’ll get a solution designed especially for your needs.

Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.

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