The Contracts table contains detailed information about each contract. It includes the registration number, supplier name, contract title, start and end dates, contract description, and other details. This table serves as the primary repository for all contract information, helping users manage and track contract statuses and details.
The Contract Changes table records any modifications made to the contracts. It includes the contract registration number, the staff member who authorized the change, their role, the date and time of the change, and other relevant details. This table ensures that all contract changes are well-documented and traceable.
The Contract Documents table stores documents related to each contract. It includes the contract registration number, the staff member who authorized the document, the document owner, the type of document, creation and revision dates, contract text, and other details. This table helps in managing and accessing all contract-related documents systematically.
The Contract Services table details the services associated with each contract. It includes the contract registration number, service name, service period, quantity, payment dates and amounts, and other relevant details. This table ensures that all services under each contract are tracked and managed efficiently.
The Services table lists all the services that can be included in contracts. It includes the name, category, period, price per period, and other details. This table helps in standardizing the services offered and their associated costs.
The Staff table contains information about the staff members involved in managing the contracts. It includes their name, job type, gender, date of birth, and other relevant details. This table helps in keeping track of staff roles and responsibilities in contract management.
The Standard Contract Documents table holds templates and standard documents used in contracts. It includes the document type, creation and revision dates, document text, and other details. This table ensures that standard documents are easily accessible and up-to-date.
The Suppliers table contains information about the suppliers involved in the contracts. It includes their name, billing dates, address, and other relevant details. This table helps in managing supplier information and their contractual relationships.
Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.