The Customers table stores basic information about each customer, such as their name, the date they became a customer, and any other relevant details. It includes:
- Name: The full name of the customer.
- Date Became Customer: The date the customer first registered.
- Other Details: Additional information about the customer.
- Customer Id: A unique identifier for each customer.
- Record Owner, Created By, Date Created, Last Modified By, and Date Modified: Metadata fields for tracking the record’s history.
The Addresses table contains all the addresses associated with customers. It includes:
- Customer Name: The name of the customer associated with the address.
- Customer: The unique identifier of the customer.
- Type: The type of address (e.g., billing, shipping).
- Date To and Date From: Date range for the address's validity.
- Line 1 Number Building, Line 2 Street, Line 3 Area Locality, City, Zip Postcode, State Province Country, and Country: Address details.
- Other Details: Additional address information.
- Address Id: Unique identifier for the address.
The Contact Channels table tracks various communication methods for customers, such as phone and email. It includes:
- Customer Name: The name of the customer.
- Customer: The customer’s unique identifier.
- Channel: Type of contact channel (e.g., phone, email).
- Phone, E-mail: Contact details.
- Active From Date and Active To Date: The period during which the contact channel was active.
- Other Details: Additional information about the contact channel.
The Payment Methods table records the payment options used by customers. It includes:
- Customer: The unique identifier for the customer.
- Customer Name: The name of the customer.
- Type: Type of payment method (e.g., credit card, bank account).
- Account Details and Card Details: Payment details.
- Id: Unique identifier for the payment method.
The Orders table captures details about customer orders. It includes:
- Ref Num: Reference number for the order.
- Customer Name: The name of the customer who placed the order.
- Customer: The customer’s unique identifier.
- Status: Current status of the order.
- Other Details: Additional information about the order.
- Order Id: Unique identifier for the order.
The Order Items table details the items included in each order. It includes:
- Order Ref Num: Reference number for the order.
- Order: The unique identifier of the order.
- Product Name: The name of the product.
- Product: The unique identifier for the product.
- Quantity: The number of units ordered.
- Id: Unique identifier for the order item.
The Products table holds information about the products available for order. It includes:
- Name: The name of the product.
- Product Details: Additional details about the product.
- Product Id: Unique identifier for the product.
- Record Owner, Created By, Date Created, Last Modified By, and Date Modified: Metadata fields for tracking the product’s record history.