Customers and Addresses

The "Customers and Addresses" database is designed to manage customer information, including their addresses, contact channels, payment methods, and orders. It provides a comprehensive system for tracking customer interactions and transactions, ensuring that all relevant details are organized and easily accessible.
Customers and Addresses Database Illustration


The Customers table stores basic information about each customer, such as their name, the date they became a customer, and any other relevant details. It includes:

  • Name: The full name of the customer.
  • Date Became Customer: The date the customer first registered.
  • Other Details: Additional information about the customer.
  • Customer Id: A unique identifier for each customer.
  • Record Owner, Created By, Date Created, Last Modified By, and Date Modified: Metadata fields for tracking the record’s history.

The Addresses table contains all the addresses associated with customers. It includes:

  • Customer Name: The name of the customer associated with the address.
  • Customer: The unique identifier of the customer.
  • Type: The type of address (e.g., billing, shipping).
  • Date To and Date From: Date range for the address's validity.
  • Line 1 Number Building, Line 2 Street, Line 3 Area Locality, City, Zip Postcode, State Province Country, and Country: Address details.
  • Other Details: Additional address information.
  • Address Id: Unique identifier for the address.

The Contact Channels table tracks various communication methods for customers, such as phone and email. It includes:

  • Customer Name: The name of the customer.
  • Customer: The customer’s unique identifier.
  • Channel: Type of contact channel (e.g., phone, email).
  • Phone, E-mail: Contact details.
  • Active From Date and Active To Date: The period during which the contact channel was active.
  • Other Details: Additional information about the contact channel.

The Payment Methods table records the payment options used by customers. It includes:

  • Customer: The unique identifier for the customer.
  • Customer Name: The name of the customer.
  • Type: Type of payment method (e.g., credit card, bank account).
  • Account Details and Card Details: Payment details.
  • Id: Unique identifier for the payment method.

The Orders table captures details about customer orders. It includes:

  • Ref Num: Reference number for the order.
  • Customer Name: The name of the customer who placed the order.
  • Customer: The customer’s unique identifier.
  • Status: Current status of the order.
  • Other Details: Additional information about the order.
  • Order Id: Unique identifier for the order.

The Order Items table details the items included in each order. It includes:

  • Order Ref Num: Reference number for the order.
  • Order: The unique identifier of the order.
  • Product Name: The name of the product.
  • Product: The unique identifier for the product.
  • Quantity: The number of units ordered.
  • Id: Unique identifier for the order item.

The Products table holds information about the products available for order. It includes:

  • Name: The name of the product.
  • Product Details: Additional details about the product.
  • Product Id: Unique identifier for the product.
  • Record Owner, Created By, Date Created, Last Modified By, and Date Modified: Metadata fields for tracking the product’s record history.

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  • Discuss your needs with our staff.
  • We’ll determine and confirm the workflow logic of your database.
  • We’ll create a ready-to-use database to fit your exact business model.
  • You’ll get a solution designed especially for your needs.

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