Family History - Relatives and Marriages

The "Family History - Relatives and Marriages" database is designed to comprehensively document and track family relationships and marital connections over generations. It serves as a repository for detailed information about individuals, their familial connections, and marriages, helping users to map out and understand their family history.
Family History - Relatives and Marriages Database Illustration


The Persons table holds vital information about each individual, including their full name, date and place of birth, date and place of death, and any additional notes. It also contains metadata such as the record owner and creation/modification details. This table is fundamental for storing biographical data on each family member, serving as the primary source of individual information within the database.

The Relatives (Parents & Children) table documents the parent-child relationships within the family. It includes details about the parent and child names, parent status, child date of birth, and relational metadata. This table is essential for mapping out the lineage and understanding the generational connections within the family tree.

The Marriages table records information about marital relationships, including the names of the husband and wife, and the statuses of the marriage (registered or stopped). It also includes metadata for each record. This table is crucial for tracking marital connections and understanding the family structure through documented marriages.

Overall, the "Family History - Relatives and Marriages" database provides a structured and detailed approach to documenting family history, enabling users to trace lineage, understand relationships, and preserve their family heritage for future generations.

To help you make the system work for your needs, we have developed the following service program:

  • Discuss your needs with our staff.
  • We’ll determine and confirm the workflow logic of your database.
  • We’ll create a ready-to-use database to fit your exact business model.
  • You’ll get a solution designed especially for your needs.

Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.

We offer free system configuration assistance
(up to 4 hours of consulting work).

If you decide that our database is not exactly what you need - you owe nothing.
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