The Bookings table keeps detailed records of flight lesson schedules, including start and end times, total hours, aircraft used, and pilot and student involved. It also tracks the completion status of each booking and includes various summary fields to check for overlapping time ranges. This table is crucial for managing the logistics of flight training sessions and ensuring proper scheduling and utilization of resources.
The Pilots (User Properties) table stores essential information about the pilots, such as their personal identification details, birth date, license expiration date, and address. It also records the start and end times of their availability. This table is vital for maintaining accurate records of pilot credentials and availability, ensuring that only qualified pilots are scheduled for lessons.
The Students table contains detailed information about the students, including their personal identification details, birth date, and address. It also tracks their total payments and total hours of training. This table is essential for managing student records and monitoring their progress and financial transactions throughout their training program.
The Aircraft table records information about the aircraft used for flight training, including the alias, model, brand, type, and number of bookings. It also contains descriptions and metadata for each aircraft. This table is important for tracking the usage and maintenance of aircraft, ensuring that they are properly utilized and maintained.
The Payments table tracks all financial transactions related to the flight training program. It includes details such as the payment ID, date, student name, student ID, amount, and associated booking. This table is crucial for managing the financial aspects of the flight training program, ensuring accurate and transparent financial records.
Overall, the "Flight Lessons & Trainings" database provides a comprehensive and structured approach to managing the various aspects of a flight training program, ensuring efficient coordination, accurate record-keeping, and effective resource utilization.
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