The Classes table tracks all the different fitness or wellness classes offered at the health club. It records the class name, subject, schedule (day and time), and other class-related details. This table helps the club manage and organize its class offerings for members, ensuring that they know when and where specific classes are available.
The Clubs table contains details about the individual health club locations, including the name, contact information, and address. This table is vital for managing multiple locations, allowing each club to be tracked separately with its own set of members, staff, and offerings.
The Members table stores information about each member, including their membership type, contact information, and history with the club, such as when they first joined, renewal dates, and whether their membership is suspended. This table is crucial for managing member relationships, ensuring that health clubs can track membership status, payments, and engagement with club services.
The Members Classes table links members to the classes they have enrolled in. By recording which classes each member is attending, the table ensures proper scheduling and participation tracking, helping members stay on top of their fitness routines and allowing the club to monitor class attendance.
The Membership Types table defines the various membership options available at the club, including annual and monthly subscription plans, along with any associated terms and conditions. This table is important for managing different tiers of membership and ensuring that members have access to the appropriate services based on their subscription.
The Personal Training Sessions table tracks one-on-one sessions between members and staff trainers. It records the member’s name, the assigned trainer, and the session’s date and time. This table helps ensure that personal training sessions are properly scheduled and tracked for both members and staff.
The Staff table contains information about the health club’s staff, including contact details and the club they work for. This table helps manage staff assignments across different locations and ensures that the right personnel are available for specific services.
The Staff Classes table links staff members to the classes they are responsible for teaching. It tracks which staff member is assigned to each class, ensuring that the club can properly schedule instructors for the various classes offered to members.
This database allows health clubs to streamline their operations, making it easier to manage members, staff, classes, and personal training sessions, ensuring smooth functioning and member satisfaction.
Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.