The Item Maintenance Works table records details of maintenance activities performed on inventory items. It includes fields such as inventory item name, type name, maintenance schedule, maintenance date, employee name, maintenance skills required, and maintenance comments. This table serves as a log of maintenance tasks, tracking who performed the maintenance and when, along with any specific comments related to the work done.
The Employees table stores information about employees involved in maintenance tasks. It includes fields such as name, date of birth, and other employee details. Additionally, it tracks maintenance skills possessed by each employee, facilitating the assignment of appropriate personnel to maintenance tasks based on their skills and availability.
The Inventory Items table lists all inventory items maintained by the organization. It includes fields such as item name, item description, type name, maintenance schedule, number in stock, and rental or sale details. This table helps in managing inventory levels and tracking maintenance schedules for each item, ensuring that items are maintained and available for use as needed.
The Inventory Item Types table categorizes inventory items into types and provides details about each type. It includes fields such as type name, description, maintenance schedule, and maintenance skills required. This table helps in defining the maintenance requirements specific to each type of inventory item, ensuring that appropriate maintenance procedures are followed.
The Maintenance Skills table lists all maintenance skills required for performing maintenance tasks. It includes fields such as short name and description of each skill. This table serves as a reference for defining the skill set needed for various maintenance activities, ensuring that employees possess the necessary skills to perform their assigned tasks effectively.
In summary, the "Inventory Equipment Maintenance" database facilitates efficient management of inventory items and their maintenance schedules. By tracking maintenance activities, employee skills, and inventory details, the database ensures that maintenance tasks are performed timely and accurately, thereby optimizing the operational efficiency of the organization's inventory management system.
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