The Property table contains essential information about each property, including its registration number, photo, type, location (city, country, post code), number of beds and baths, square footage, year built, date on market, date sold, price, and address. This table is crucial for keeping track of property listings and details, providing a central repository for all property-related information.
The Ownerships table manages details about property ownership, including the property registration number, address, city, country, post code, client name, ownership share, head of family status, start and end dates of ownership, and references to the property and client. This table is vital for maintaining records of property ownership and tracking the distribution of ownership shares among clients.
The Clients table holds information about clients, including their name, first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, head of family status, civil status, phone, email, address, city, country, post code, other details, and their relationship to the head of family. This table is essential for managing client information and ensuring accurate records of all individuals involved with the properties.
The Features table includes details about various features that properties may have, such as name, registration number, type, and description. This table helps in cataloging and managing the features available across different properties.
The Property Features table links properties with their available features, containing the property registration number, property reference, feature name, feature reference, and a description of the property feature. This table is important for associating properties with specific features and providing detailed information about what each property offers.
Overall, the "Property Management" database is a comprehensive solution for managing properties, clients, ownership details, and property features, enabling property managers to operate efficiently and maintain organized records.
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