The "Example: Running Balance" database is designed to track financial transactions and calculate running balances over time. It provides a clear and organized way to manage income, expenses, and balances, ensuring that users can easily monitor their financial activities and maintain accurate records.
The Money table is the core of this database, capturing detailed information about each financial transaction. It includes fields for the transaction text, date, operation type (income or expense), and the amount involved. The table also calculates and records the opening balance, income, expense, balance, and closing balance for each transaction. This setup is essential for maintaining a continuous and accurate record of financial activities, allowing users to track how each transaction affects their overall financial position. The running balance feature ensures that users can see the cumulative impact of their transactions over time, providing a clear picture of their financial health.
Overall, this database offers a robust tool for managing and tracking finances, making it easy to monitor income, expenses, and balances in a structured and transparent manner.
Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.