The Bookings table manages all reservations made at the sports facilities. It records the Facility and User details, the Booking Status, and important timestamps like when the Booking was Made, its Start Datetime, and End Datetime. Additional information, such as whether a Confirmation Email was sent and any Other Booking Details, is also stored. This table ensures that all facility usage is well documented and helps avoid scheduling conflicts.
The Facilities table captures information about each specific sports facility. It includes fields such as the Facility Name, Sports Center Short Name, and Facility Type (e.g., gym, tennis court), along with a Facility Number for internal reference. The Other Facility Details field provides space for additional notes on the facility, ensuring all relevant information about each sports facility is accessible.
The Sports Centers table houses the details of the various sports centers managed by the database. This includes each center’s Short Name and Full Name, Address, and contact information for the Manager, as well as the Email and Phone number of the center. It helps in organizing the centers and ensuring communication with each center’s management is easy.
The Users table tracks all individuals or groups using the sports facilities. It records each user's Name, Gender, and Category (which may denote membership type or user classification), as well as their Status (e.g., active, suspended). Additionally, it tracks important data like Missed Bookings Count and Missed Payments Count, helping manage user behavior and ensuring that habitual no-shows or late payments are properly addressed. This table is crucial for maintaining user records and ensuring that each user’s history is accessible for management purposes.
Overall, this database efficiently manages the various operational aspects of sports centers, ensuring smooth facility booking and user management.
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