The Cases table is central to the database, holding details about each project or case, including the Case Name, Primary Contact Name, Address, and whether the case is billable (Billable). Additionally, this table tracks the Total Time Recorded, Total Expenses Incurred, and the Total Billing Amount, offering a snapshot of all financial aspects associated with a particular case.
The Time table records the time spent on specific cases by resources (employees or contractors). It includes fields like Case Name, Resource Name, Time Spent, Start Date, and End Date. For billing purposes, the Billing Rate and Billing Amount fields calculate the cost of the time spent on a case, ensuring accurate invoicing and time management.
The Expenses table tracks all case-related expenses, such as travel, supplies, or other costs. It includes fields like Case Name, Resource Name, Expense Type, Amount, and Date Incurred, making it easy to associate costs with a particular case and ensuring expenses are properly recorded for reimbursement or billing purposes.
The Resources table stores information about the individuals working on different cases. It includes details such as Resource Name, Phone Number, and Billing Rate, allowing the company to manage its workforce effectively and assign the right resources to the right cases based on expertise and cost.
Overall, this database facilitates efficient management of time, expenses, and resources, ensuring accurate tracking and billing for all cases or projects.
Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.