The Cadets table holds personal and contact information for each cadet who receives a uniform. This includes fields like First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Phone Number, and Email Address. It also includes address details such as Apartment, Building, Street, Town City, and State/Province, which are useful for correspondence and logistics.
The Suppliers table records information about the suppliers of the uniforms. This includes the supplier's Name and Other Details related to their services. This allows for easy tracking of uniform sources and any related supplier interactions.
The Uniforms table manages the inventory of uniforms available for loan. Key fields include Reg. Number, Rank, Supplier Name, Uniform Gender, Uniform Size, and Uniform Description. This helps ensure that each uniform is cataloged accurately, with essential details like size, gender, and rank designation.
The Uniforms Out On Loan table tracks the uniforms issued to cadets. It includes fields such as Uniform Reg. Number, Date Issued, Cadet Name, Date Due for Return, and Date Returned. This table is critical for managing the lifecycle of a uniform, from issuance to return, helping to prevent loss and ensure uniforms are returned on time.
This database streamlines the process of distributing and tracking uniforms, ensuring both cadets and administrators can easily manage uniform loans.
Any support materials, such as spreadsheets and real-life work samples would be very helpful as they would help us better understand your business process.