The Leaves table records employee leave details, including the start and end dates, the total number of days on leave, and the number of Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and workdays during the leave period. This table is crucial for calculating the exact number of workdays affected by an employee's leave, ensuring that the system accurately distinguishes between weekends, holidays, and actual workdays.
The Holidays table stores information about holidays, including the date, description, and whether the holiday falls on a weekend. This table is essential for identifying non-working days that should be excluded from the workday calculation. By maintaining a record of holidays, the system can accurately determine which days are considered non-working and adjust leave calculations accordingly.
Overall, this database provides a structured way to manage and calculate employee leave, ensuring that workdays are correctly identified while taking into account weekends and holidays. It helps organizations keep accurate records of leave and workday calculations, ensuring smooth leave management.
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