Let us briefly describe how to track record changes and updates. For example, we have two tables: the “Records” table, where we need to indicate updated or new records, and the “User Properties” table.

The “Records” table includes a “Changes Indicator” column, which displays the status of whether a record was newly created or updated, highlighted with a specific color.

Records dashboard

Follow the steps below to set it up:

Step 1: Configure the “User Properties” Table

  1. Create a “Timestamp” Column:
    • Set its default value to “Now.”
    • The system will use this timestamp to compare record dates and determine whether a record is new or updated.
  2. Add a Custom Button: “Reset Changes Indicator”:
    • Place this button in table views.
    • This button resets the “Timestamp” value to “Now,” allowing you to refresh the record statuses when needed.
  3. Create a “Track Changes” View:
    • Apply a filter where the user is the current user.
    • This view will be added to the dashboard in the next steps, enabling users to quickly refresh their data without navigating between tables.

Step 2: Set Up the “Records” Table

  1. Create a “Changes Indicator” Column:
    • Add a formula-text column with the following formula: If([Date Created] > User[Timestamp], "NEW", [Date Modified] > User[Timestamp], "UPDATED")
    • This column will display whether a record is NEW or UPDATED based on its creation or modification date compared to the user’s timestamp.
  2. Customize the Default Dashboard:
    • Add the “Track Changes” view from the “User Properties” table to the dashboard.
    • This ensures users can conveniently monitor changes without navigating between tables.

As a result, when we open the “Records” table, we see a dashboard where all the records that have been added or updated recently are marked with the respective label. Once all the tasks have been processed and it is time to start tracking upcoming changes, simply reset the changes indicator. Go ahead and check out the template with the settings: Track new and updated records. That’s it!
