With recent update we added an ability to use GET method with webhooks.
But why so late?
HTTP requests allow to perform various actions on same URL by specifying the method (GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) and there is certain semantic associated with each one. GET method is for information retrieval. PUT to modify the resource associated with the URL. DELETE is to delete the resource and so forth.
POST is the only method that does not imply any specific action. According to the specification
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource’s own specific semantics.
In webhooks model the sender has no idea about the action the receiver will perform with the data. Hence, POST is the only reliable method to send the data.
However, it’s not always the case. From time to time, we encounter systems using GET method with webhooks. While we think it’s a HTTP specification violation, we decided to add the support for it.
Requests done with GET method have no body, all the data is passed via parameters of the URL requested. New Sender option is called URL Request.

You can address the data via Response(“parameter name”).
And, as bonus we added assignment expressions for request headers, URL parameters and status code (for Call URL actions).