Today we are presenting new UI Design preview. If you are database administrator scroll all the way down to the footer and click on V3 small orange button to switch to new UI design. The change will last until browser window is closed.
New UI design targets database pages only — My TeamDesk, personal preferences and other database-unrelated pages are not affected so far.
Primary goal was to provide modern and overall lighter look and feel for database pages.

Beside new look and feel we also added a pair of new features:
- Table’s caption reappears when you start to scroll up, exposing an access to view’s actions.
- We added a dropdown calendar for easier navigation in calendar views.
In addition, we rewrote both stylesheets and JavaScript to bring the code to latest web standards. As most browsers are now evergreen (in other words, browser vendors support only latest and previous version of the browser) there is a little sense to try keeping the compatibility all the way down to decade old browser.
Net result, new code is faster and lighter. Plus, we got rid of jQuery and jQuery UI libraries in our code (though you can still use them in you wish). However, this move presented potential incompatibility with customizations provided via dbstyles.css and dbscript.js. To simplify transition, we do not include dbstyles.css and dbscript.js files by default, rather include new-UI-specific versions of them, named dbstyles-v3.css and dbscript-v3.js.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What a great Xmas gift !
I love the more modern look, the compactness of the fonts, and the action buttons that stay on the screen !
Thanks a lot for this new feature – at the same price !
This is wonderful news! And a great Christmas gift as says Pierre. Thank you to all the folks in ForeSoft for making it happen.
I’m sure there will be plenty of feedback in the next few days and weeks, so to start the ball rolling… will it be possible to remove the buttons’ text from the VIEW/EDIT/DELETE row buttons in Views and leave only the icon, just like we can do with Action buttons and Documents??
By the way, when will V3 become the default/standard for all users??
Merry Christmas!!! Excellent!!!!
Thank you
Looks great, we are working to ensure all databases are looking correct and operating correctly when V3 is applied. We are finding forms where when we apply V3 some of the behaviors do not work, i’m sure you’re aware but just making sure before it becomes standard. Love the new look!
This is utterly wonderful!!!
Thank you.
Happy New Year to you all!
Am i the only one who thinks it looks atrocious? Who did the UX testing or accessibility testing? They have this as “yellow” #FFFFCC, this as “blue” #CCCCFF, and this as “red” #FFCCCC. I can barely tell them apart, and I have good eyesight. I pity anyone with poor eyesight trying to tell sections apart by color anymore. Everything is such a light grey on white and then they have this super dark sidebar (using #111111) which looks completely out of place with the rest of the design. I applaud the efforts, but this was “designed” by developers and it shows. Please go back and do a second pass on this before releasing please.
Happy New Year to all!
@Luison: First we’ll finish bug hunting, then we’ll introduce per-database switch to v3, and only then it will become the default for all.
@Bernie: Please contact our support and send the URL to the form with failing behaviors.
@Gabriel: Default database interface is somewhat monochromatic. Colorization is left to database administrators.
@kirill I took a closer look and see what they did. You are correct that the database admin sets the colorization. But here is what it shows:
Database admin sets section color to #FFCCCC (a salmon pink)
v2 Title background color: #FFCCCC
v2 Body background color: #FFF9F9 (lighter version of the base color)
v3 Body & Title background color: #FFFAFA (a lighter version than even the lighter color used on the body of v2)
What happened is they use the given color of #FFCCCC, but then apply this CSS: “background-image: linear-gradient(hsla(0,0%,100%,.9),hsla(0,0%,100%,.9));” which lightens it up a LOT to the point that it’s near white. Which is why I say it’s the developers fault here, not the users. I have to set it to straight red to get it back to the salmon pink that was set originally. Which again goes to my point that they need to do usability testing and accessibility testing because it doesn’t seem like anyone actually tried to use it.
When doing line editing and modifying figures, with V3 the totals are not colored with strikethrough and so they do not show that they need to be recalculated.