Online database management software is an absolute necessity todayYou feel that your business should be growing faster, higher, and stronger but for some reason it’s not making headway. You rack your brains over this problem, trying to reinvent the wheel and possibly even hiring an egghead advisor to help you. Meanwhile, the answer may rest in front of your face.

What drives businesses in today’s anything-to-everything connected world? Data. Why? Because to make the right business decision you must know the A to Z of your market, your customers, your competitors and above all – your own business processes. Effectively using and managing information is critical to driving business and streamlining operations in the Big Data era. But how to avoid getting buried under terabytes of data but at the same time to see data as a whole? How do you make it benefit your business?

That’s why you need online database management software. It will give you the necessary insights allowing you to spend your valuable time developing your business, not handling data. And here are 5 clear signs that it’s time for you and your business to turn to cloud database software.

  • You’ve got a large amount of data that is becoming larger, simply overwhelming, unmanageable. Its processing becomes very time-consuming. Its physical storage requires more investment. Analyzing and reporting becomes a headache. Marketers require but don’t get necessary sales insights or receive them when it’s too late. As a result, your current business model is not working anymore and the company is stagnating. In an even worse scenario – you’re losing customers and revenue.

Maintaining business agility in the world of big data is imperative, and your database management software makes a big difference.

  • Do you find yourself entering the same values of information into multiple spreadsheets/reports/documents? When you make the changes in your spreadsheet/reports/documents, is your team forced to make the same changes in theirs? You spend hours and hours surfing through spreadsheets, tables, and email addresses just to find at the end of the day that twice as much information as you and your team have sorted out came in during last couple of hours. That means productivity of your team is plummeting.

The value of time in today’s business is environment is enormous. So take some of your precious time to consider the processes and tasks that you could automate. And then start saving your time with the Web’s best database management software by automating nearly e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that you do with data.

  • You are tracking related information in several spreadsheets – such as separate sheets for sales for different departments or different geographical locations. Or you have a difficult time viewing specific sets of data. And having dozens of functions and buttons in your offline ready-made customer database management software is not helping you but making it even worse because you waste your time and energy trying to figure out which one you really need.

Bringing all the data together and letting you see either the whole picture or a specific part in just a click – that’s what online databases do easily thanks to customization capabilities. This kind of flexibility lets you adjust the software to your business process and needs, not the other way around.

  • You work in silos. Several people or even all the staff in your organization need to view your data at the same time. But they keep seeing “The file is locked for editing” messages and are forced to make copies hoping to submit changes to the main document later. Moreover, you struggle to tune different access levels to different parts of data for different crew members. Accordingly, non-synced spreadsheets’ copies pile up and in no time you find yourself in the middle of a terrible mess, say, with your client database management software.

Today online access and easy-to-tune application security is a must. With cloud database solutions documents are easily shared along team members according to individual roles settings and are accessible from anywhere, anytime.

And finally –

  • Your administrative and IT-support expenses are too high. You use more staff to keep up with the fixes, patches, add-ons and continual tuning required to make your existing offline database software meet performance goals. You might even discover that the cost of database administration can rival the expense of database software and hardware. But the system is no longer up to the task anyway.

When your goal is to lower your data management costs by automating administration, increasing storage efficiency, and improving performance – a custom online database may be the best option. The right database solution could lower your costs of ownership and move your business forward.

Read also: Top 5 Myths about Online Databases Debunked

“I Saw the Sign and It Opened Up My Eyes”

If you spot any of these signs in your company, let’s face it: you’re not doing business the way you should. In our digital age you must accommodate a rapidly increasing volume and variety of data while quickly extracting actionable business insight from it. TeamDesk custom online database helps you sort the data and put it in order so that you can catch emerging business trends and adopt relevant strategies. Thus, TeamDesk may play a critical role in delivering the necessary speed-of-thought analytics that lets you capitalize on business answers more easily.

So do not miss the sign of the times – a secure and reliable cloud data system that’s up and running all the time, completely customizable and easily scalable. A database that’s right for you does exist, no matter how small or large your personal or business needs may be. And this database is TeamDesk.
