Mobile Device Alert actions were recently introduced as a part of TeamDesk functionality, so let’s review an example illustrating how the mobile device alert works.
Let’s consider a case when a user applies for a Day Off request via his/her mobile phone and this request is going to be either approved or declined by an assigned supervisor. All the actions involved in the approval process can be implemented via a Mobile Client App integrated with a TeamDesk online database.

For instance, a Day Off request and an approval process may include the following steps:


1. Firstly, a user creates and submits a Day Off request via a mobile record create action.

Mobile Device Alert Request


2. Secondly, a supervisor receives a mobile alert containing the user’s request.

Mobile Device Request Alert


3. The supervisor may either Approve or Decline the request by clicking on the correspondent buttons.


4. In conclusion, when the request is approved/declined, the user receives the mobile device alert keeping all corresponding information.

Mobile Alert

Mobile Device Alerts help to make a user-supervisor communication simple and interactive. Moreover, they allow to avoid sending notifications and also simplify the working process for those users who are not actively working with the database.

A detailed description of the above-mentioned example database setup is described below:


1. Tables

Let’s assume that your online database includes “Requests” and “User Properties” tables.
“Requests” table keeps all requests’ data.

List of Requests

“User Properties” table contains “Supervisor” column among others. This column holds supervisor assignment to users registered in the User Properties table. All the supervisors are among database users.

User Properties Table


2. Custom buttons

In “Requests” table you need to create two custom buttons that will assign Approved or Declined value to the Status column respectively. These buttons’ settings are displayed on the following screenshots:

“Approve” button settings:

Approve Button Settings

“Decline” button settings:

Decline Button Settings

These buttons will be accessible from a Mobile Device Alert action


3. Workflow actions

To setup the actions in your database, you should begin with a Mobile Record Create Action. Let’s name it “Day Off Request”. This action would allow a user adding “Request” records to the database and sending a mobile alert to a supervisor assigned in the “User Properties” table.

Day Off Alert


4. Trigger with action

Now you need to create a record change trigger with a mobile device alert action. This trigger will activate the action whenever a new request is added to the “Requests” table.

“Record is Added” trigger setup is shown on the following screenshot:

Record Added Trigger

As mentioned above, the trigger contains the “New Request Alert” action of the ‘mobile device alert’ type. This action sends a mobile alert to a supervisor about the submitted request.

“Approve” and “Decline” custom buttons should be added to the “New Request Alert” action. Please review the action settings on the following screenshot:

New request Mobile Alert


5. Mobile device alerts

Now both “Request Approved Alert” and “Request Declined Alert” actions are created. One of these two mobile devices alerts will be sent to a user depending on the button clicked by the supervisor.

“Request Approved Alert” action settings are shown on the screenshot below:

Request Approved Alert

“Request Declined Alert” action settings are shown on the screenshot below:

Request Declined Alert


6. List of actions

As the result, we created 4 actions in the “Requests” table.

List of Created Actions


7. Mobile Client App

As the last step, please make sure that TeamDesk Mobile Client App is installed on the database users’ mobile phones.

Mobile Client App

This concludes the setup. Please keep in mind that TeamDesk works like a construction set, so you may configure any other mobile device alerts that would precisely fit your business process.
