Webinar Register

TeamDesk invites you to join our FREE webinar, which is intended for small/medium business owners and CEOs who are looking for a way to reduce their expenses and generate a higher revenue, without the need for major investments.

Most modern businesses owe their success to their digital presence and, mainly, to their robust database systems. Traditional offline databases are not able to support concurrent user’s accessibility and provide enough flexibility to fit unique business processes. That’s why making the right choice of a custom online database software is crucial to a company’s prosperity.
In this live Web event we will discuss:

  • The most common problems of offline database usage & maintenance.
  • Key benefits of the TeamDesk online database management system.
  • How moving your database to a custom online platform would help reduce expenses and increase revenue.
  • Other benefits of a custom online platform approach.

This free TeamDesk webinar will take place on 2 December, at 2 PM. A 30-minute online presentation will be followed by a live Q&A with Val Karmazin, a TeamDesk co-founder.

Language Date Time Duration
English 2 December 2 PM CST (GMT-6) (local Chicago time) Up to 1 hour

Don’t miss our informative events! Register now!
