Online Database application for inventory management is one of the most frequently demanded TeamDesk templates.

The main goal of inventory management is tracking and organizing goods movement and making it more efficient. To achieve that, you should collect, register and analyze plenty of data, such as item/product names, models, serial numbers, quantity of goods, costs and dates when the products are delivered or shipped.

Product & Inventory Management template is an example that demonstrates how to track quantity in and out of stock, generate barcodes and reduce your paper workflow in a simple way.

This online database consists of three tables: Product Names, SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) and Inventory Management.

Product Names Catalog

Product Names table works like a catalogue for keeping names and codes data. For example, our store sells Men and Women T-Shirts.

These products names are kept as separate records in the Product Names table.

Unique Stock-Keeping Unit

SKU table keeps SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) data. In our case each t-shirt can have different kind of sleeves, color and size. As a result, if a combination of a product name and attributes (sleeve, color, size) is unique, then a new SKU record with a unique SKU number is registered in the table.

Moreover, the “SKU” and “Product Names” tables are related, so database users can select product names via “Product” single-reference column.

SKU Movement

“Inventory Management” table should be used for collecting and tracking SKU movement. This table is related to two other tables, therefore there are two reference columns: “Product” and “SKU”, working as dependent dropdowns.

Each record should be marked as either “Income” or “Expense”. These marks would define how the quantity of product is accounted in the Inventory Management table. For instance, if 500 (Long/Red/Large) women t-shirts are delivered to stock, a user has to register this shipment as an “Income”. As a result, a positive value of 500 items will be displayed in the Quantity Income/Expense column.

When you shipped 100 t-shirts of the same type from the stock to a customer, you mark them as “Expense”, so a negative quantity value (-100) will be displayed in the Quantity Income/Expense column.

This approach allows registering SKU movement in and out stock in one table. Moreover, the quantity on stock for each SKU is calculated automatically via a summary column.

Summary Column

Quantity on Stock summary column is added to the relation between “SKU” and “Inventory Management” tables. The main functionality of the Quantity on Stock calculation is summarizing “Income” and “Expense” quantity values kept in the Inventory Management table for each SKU. In the above-mentioned example the Quantity on Stock for Women t-shirts (Long/Red/Small) is 500-100=400.

Other Functionality of Online Database

“Product and Inventory Management” database includes “Filter SKU” table view with filters and also a “Quantity Sold” chart view. The first view is placed on the SKU table dashboard. Using filters, you can easily find the data related to any SKU record.

This pie-chart view example shows the quantity of two products on stock.

Any TeamDesk-based online database template can be customized according to your needs. It means that you can add/remove tables and columns, build other types of reports, create documents, adjust notifications etc. TeamDesk support team will be glad to help you with your database creation and tune-up. Please submit this form to contact TeamDesk support.
