Last week, we added a colorization option to Numeric- and Duration-type columns. This option provides a simple way to colorize column values.

Just activate the Colorization checkbox and specify conditions and colors. If a numeric value (or duration value) is less than an indicated number, a field keeping such a value will become highlighted by selected color. Also, a color of an alternative value can be specified in the “otherwise” field.

Let’s consider two examples:

Colorization of Numeric (or Formula-Numeric) column values

Say, there is a “Statistics” column where you register an increase or decrease of a number of customers per month and you would like to highlight negative values in red.

Number Colorization

So, you need to edit column settings and configure the following colorization rule:

Numeric Colorization

Colorization of Duration (or Formula-Duration) column values

Assume that there is a “Delivery Days” column in your database and you need to highlight column values depending on a number of days. If a value is less than five days, it should be colored in yellow, if less than two – in orange. The other values should be highlighted by green color.

Duration colored value

To configure colorization rule, you should edit column settings and add the following colorization criteria:

Duraction Colored Value

In both examples, the foreground color (black/white) is detected automatically and based on background’s luminance, so, you can use dark and light colors themes as you prefer.

Choices in a Single Line

We received multiple requests from our customers regarding choices listed in a single line. Now the “Display choices in a single line” option is available in the Text column settings and it can be rendered either as Radio Buttons choices

Radio Button Choices in Line

or as Check Boxes multi-selects.

Checkboxes in Line

Read more details about the Choices option in this Text Column article.
