There was a limited number of operations you were able to perform on TeamDesk documents. Either generate the document as downloadable file or attach the document to a mail message. Now there are two more: store the document to File Attachment column using Document Workflow Action; and instruct the browser to send document to the printer.
New Document Workflow Action
The purpose of the action is to generate the document from the current or (a set of) related record(s) and stores it in attachment column of the current record.
It’s setup is fairly straightforward:

In Get data from we list current record, any reference column(s) to parent records and recordset columns. Additionaly, we list lookup and summary columns that directly or indirectly point to reference or recordset columns. In other words you can generate the document for almost any related record.
Once column is picked up, you can select the document from the set of documents in the related table.
Last step is to select the File Attachment column to store the document into.
While generating the document the action respects table and column’s access rights and document’s availability for the record (document’s filter).
In case of no related record is available the action will delete the document stored in the column.
New “Send to printer” option
Also, we added Send To Printer option to the document’s properties. With this option checked, click on a document’s button, instead of prompting to download the file will open browser’s print preview frame.

This feature relies on browser’s ability to open the file without the help of third-party program and thus currently limited to PDF output format. However, there are known caveats due to various browser bugs and limitations:
- It’s not supported on Android; the browser will download the document.
- There is a weird bug in macOS Safari. On first attempt it opens preview frame just fine. But if you cancel the preview and click on the document button again, Safari issues “web page wants to print” warning and an empty document is displayed. Refreshing the page before second attempt restores the functionality back to normal.
And as a final touch, document now reports its usage in E-Mail Alerts, Navigate and Document workflow actions.
I just love it !
Thanks for doing it
Fantastic! Thank you!