2020 brought a lot of challenges forcing people and businesses to become more creative, deal with the stress, and adapt to this new reality.
The TeamDesk team wishes all of you, our customers and partners, as well as your families and all others peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming New Year.
We are always happy to support you and your business, and to help you surmount tomorrow’s challenges.
Despite this challenging year, we kept moving full speed ahead and accomplished many major achievements.
We managed to deploy a second datacenter in Europe based on MS Azure cloud, which allowed our European customers to move into EU boundaries and comply with the latest EU GDPR legislation. This new Azure datacenter in the West EU (Netherlands) is offered in addition to our existing US datacenter. This feat has made TeamDesk a multi-datacenter platform, with potential for further scalability.
In other notable achievements, we added the ability to visualize records on a Kanban board via a new Kanban view type. Calendar view received a drag-and-drop feature, and a colorization option was added to the Numeric- and Duration-type columns. We also implemented the “Delete Record” workflow action and the “Display choices in a single line” option.
All of these great projects did not undermine our major system redesign. In the first quarter of 2021 we plan to release a major system update that would bring a new and modern UI, as well as a lot of new functionality. Stay tuned!
We wish you an incredibly happy holiday season and send you our absolute best wishes.
TeamDesk support team.