In the exceptional circumstances caused by COVID-19 our first priority is to provide a flexible, scalable and secure online work environment for all customers.

We continue to work as usual

TeamDesk/dbFLEX development and support teams have shifted to a completely remote work model to keep our staff in a safe and healthy environment.

Communication channels

Our helpdesk, as always, helps to organize very efficient customer support. Our support team is always here to help you.

A growing number of TeamDesk experts are also ready to offer personalized assistance in your local areas and in your language.

Security & reliability

We have full confidence in our ability to serve and support our customers as this situation evolves.

Our TeamDesk-based administrative tools empower our team with all the means to manage our service to customers securely and efficiently.

Steadfast (TeamDesk colocation facility) is a word-class data center, providing very reliable service and support. Their facilities are highly technological, with just a single engineer on-duty for the whole facility.

TeamDesk commits to help business community adapt to a rapidly evolving business environment

As most of our customers have to reorganize their work process while shifting to remote teamwork, TeamDesk becomes a viable resource as it provides a robust and secure infrastructure for remote teams’ interaction.

As remote teamwork requires work process restructuring and establishing additional types of workflow, TeamDesk offers assistance to help customers building new modules to accommodate this new work model.

TeamDesk high flexibility and scalability allows the accommodation of rapidly changing business requirements.

TeamDesk keeps investing into processing infrastructure

Before the crisis, TeamDesk invested into a new powerful hardware to further increase TeamDesk processing power and redundancy and keep up with growing demand. Our network engineers are currently in the process of adding these servers to the cluster.

TeamDesk will always have your back

We wish that you and your colleagues stay safe and healthy during these challenging times!

Please contact us if you need help in such unprecedented new circumstances for your business, and remember that TeamDesk will always have your back.
