Null represents the contents of an empty field. The result is true if value is empty or undefined, otherwise false.
- value
- The value may be of any data type. The exceptions are the Numeric and Duration types, only Numeric column or Duration column can be used as the value.
The zero value stored in the Numeric column differs from the empty value and works like any other numeric value. So, when a Numeric column comprises zero value, the function result is false. The Boolean data types do not have an undefined value, so for them this function will always return false.
returns true if the column named "Date" is empty or undefined, otherwise returns false.IsNull([Price])
returns true if the Numeric column named "Price" is empty or undefined, otherwise returns false, even if zero value is stored, it returns false.IsNull([File Attachment])
returns true if the "File Attachment" column is not null or empty.