Setting Default Column Order

You can set the column order as you wish. The position of columns in the table depends on the moment of their creation: every new column is added after the last created non-system column. However, it is possible to reorganize the succession of columns in the table or on the record form.

To change the default column order in the table, you should reorder columns in the Default View. This is a default set of table columns and sorting order. When a new table is added, the default view is created automatically.

To modify the default view:

  1. Click the Setup link in the top right corner of the window.

  2. Choose the necessary table and click the corresponding tab at the top of the window.

  3. From the menu in the main frame, select Views/Reports > Set the default view. The system will open the form where you can reorder, add/remove columns, and set the default sorting for the Default View:

Default View

Default Sort
From the Sort by list, select the column by which the records should be sorted. In the order by list, specify the sorting order: Ascending or Descending.
Available Columns
If some columns should not be displayed in the Default View, you can remove them from the Selected Columns field to the Available Columns field. As a result, they will never be displayed in the Default View. For example, there can be some formula columns helping to calculate values for the other columns, and you don’t want to display them. So you can remove these columns from the default view.
Selected Columns
All columns included in the Default View are listed in the Selected Columns field. Moreover, there is the Include in views by default checkbox in the General Properties of any column. It duplicates the Default View settings. The checkbox will be checked/unchecked if a column is added/removed from the Default View.

Click Save to apply modifications. Click Cancel to discard changes.

To change the column order on the View/Edit form, you should customize the form layout and reorder form elements (columns, sections, texts):

  1. Click the Setup link at the top right corner of the window.

  2. Select the table you need.

  3. From the Setup menu, select Forms > Customize form layout. The system will display the form layout of the chosen table.

To modify the order of form elements or remove them from the form, click on the Reorder button at the top of the form layout.

Reorder Button

By default, any form element such as a column, section, or text is added to the form. Each section is marked out by the dashed-line --- Section Name ---. To group elements in a section, you need to reorder them: place the Section element before the fields comprised in this section.

There may be cases when you need to remove form elements from the form. For example, formula columns keeping intermediate calculations can be removed. Just select such columns and use the Remove button. As a result, they will be stored in the table but will not be displayed to users on the form.

Reorder Form

The options are described below:

Available Columns
If some columns should not be displayed on the form, you can remove them from the Selected Columns field to the Available Columns field, and they will never be displayed on the form. For example, there can be some formula columns helping to calculate values for the other columns, and you don’t want to place such formula-columns on the form. So you can remove them.
Selected Columns
All columns added to the form are listed in the Selected Columns field. By default, any form element such as a column, section, or text is selected and added to the form.

Click Save to apply modifications. Click Cancel to discard changes.