Customizing Existing Documents

To change basic settings for already created documents, click Documents > Customize Existing Documents in the Setup mode to view the Documents form:


Using the corresponding buttons on the Documents form, you can edit the basic settings of existing documents, create new documents, delete them, generate new document templates, and set document access data.

If you’ve added a new column or related details to the table and wish to include it in the existing document template, simply generate a new document template and copy/paste the placeholder(s) from it to your existing document template.

If you want to edit an already uploaded Microsoft Word document, first click on the Edit button next to the document. Then, you can click on the Choose File button to upload a new document template instead of the existing one.

Document Edit

In case you need to make changes to the existing template, you should click on the file name to save it to your local computer.

Downloading Document

In the next step, you should open the document in the MS Word program, where you can make necessary changes to the opened file and save it on your local computer.

Saving Document

After saving this renewed document, it is stored on your local computer. Therefore, you should upload this new Microsoft Word file to the TeamDesk database.

First, click on the Edit button next to the document, and after that, click on the Choose File button to upload the new document file.

Choose File

Once the document file is uploaded, save the changes.

Please note that in the document template, the placeholders containing related details must be structured as a table, and such a table can be inserted into the document.