Administrative Rights

Initially, only the owner of a database is a user who has access to all objects in the system and can customize the objects in the Setup mode.

There may be times when you grant your managers the ability to add and invite other users or allow them to help you with database adjustments.

To grant or restrict administrative controls to some users, change the Setup Permission option.

For every user that already exists in the system, you can choose any of the following setup permissions for your database.

No Access
This option prevents users from accessing the setup mode of your database.
Manage Users
Users with this level have the ability to add, invite, and delete other users.
Manage Data
This option grants Import and Export data permissions.
Manage Users and Data
This level grants Import and Export data permissions and user management permissions (adding, inviting, and deleting other users).
Full Access
Choose this level to give all administrative permissions for your database. The user with this option can customize the database structure and has full access permissions. Usually, the Full Access option is granted to a manager or a person responsible for administrative duties.
  1. Click the Setup link in the top right corner of the window.

  2. Select the Database tab.

  3. Click Sharing/Roles > Manage existing users shares in the setup menu. The system will display a list of users:

    List of Users

  4. Choose the necessary user from the list and click Edit in a corresponding row to modify the user’s setup permissions. The following form will appear:

    User Setup Permissions

  5. From the Setup Permission list, select the necessary level of access for the user:

    • No Access
    • Manage Users
    • Manage Data
    • Manage Users and Data
    • Full Access - to grant administrative rights to the user.
  6. When finished, click Save to apply changes; click Save and Invite to send an invitation email to the user. Click Cancel to discard changes.

Please note that if the External User option is assigned to a user, it prevents such a user from accessing the setup mode of your database, so only the No Access option will be shown in the Setup Permission field.