Managing Existing User Roles

To modify or delete a user role that already exists in the system:

  1. Click the Setup link in the top right corner of the window.

  2. Select the Database tab.

  3. Click Sharing/Roles > Define and manage roles in the setup menu. The system will display a list of already existing user roles.

  4. Choose the necessary role from the list and perform one of the following operations:

    • Click Edit in a corresponding list row to modify the name and description of the user role.
    • Click Copy in a corresponding list row to copy a user role.
    • Click Del in a corresponding list row to delete a user role from the system. In the displayed dialog box, click OK to confirm deletion.
    • Click the necessary role name link to open role details or define access to various tables for the selected user role.

    All Roles

  5. If you click on a role name link, a particular role screen will be displayed. Here you can manage Access for Table Records for this role and configure User Interface Settings for all tables in one click.

    Role Access

  6. When you want to delete a Role, click on the Delete button; after that, the Confirm Deletion form will be displayed:

    Confirm Deletion Form

In the Users affected field, you see the list of users to whom the role is assigned. In the Assign users with dropdown, you can choose another role for such users; otherwise, after the deletion of the role, they will not be able to access the database.