Customizing Table Properties

Say you have created a lot of tables and want to mark out some of them or rename.

To customize properties of an existing table:

  1. Click the Setup link in the top right corner of the window.

  2. Select the Database tab.

  3. From the setup menu select Tables > Customize existing tables.

  4. Choose the necessary table from the list; click Edit in a corresponding row.

  5. Fill in the table properties that appear in a form.

General properties

Table General Properties

Singular Name
A table name entered in this field is displayed in the Setup Mode as a headline, when you customize table objects like views, columns, documents, etc.

Setup Singular Name

In the User Mode the Singular Name value is displayed on a record form as a header and in the New Record adding dropdown.

User Mode Singular Name

Plural Name
A table name entered in this field is shown as a tab name and in the list of tables displayed in the Setup Mode left menu.
Setup Plural Name

In the User Mode the Plural Name value is displayed as a tab name.
User Mode Plural Name

Name Column
From the list select the column which values will be used to represent table records as a short text. For example, the "Full Name" formula-text column is chosen as the Name Column. As a result, by default the Full Name value is displayed on the form title.
Record Name

Also, by default, the Name Column value is displayed in the recycle bin:
Recycle Bin Record Name

Moreover, by default, the Name Column is chosen in the Record Picker settings. If in the default record picker the Custom Columns are specified, the values of these columns are displayed in a form title and in the recycle bin.

Tab Color
Click on the Color icon if you want to change a predefined table tab color to another one. Select a color on the palette opened in the new window. As a result, a table header and headers of all Table views created in this table will be colored.
Tab Color

Please note that the Tab colorization is applied to the User Mode only.

This option allows you to select icons for table headers (tabs). You have a choice of 900+ icons covering various subjects – actions, brands, file types, symbols, animals, and more. The Search box above will help you narrow down the list of choices.

The icon will appear to the left of the table name. Moreover, you can activate the Hide text option if the table name should be hidden in the User mode.

For example, this is the tab with the name and the icon:
Tab With Icon

This is the tab where the Hide text option is checked:
Hide Text

This field can hold any developer’s comments that need to be kept for this table. The comments will be visible in the Setup mode only.

Default Record Picker Options

Record Picker Options

The Default Record Picker defines which record values are used as choices (abbreviated entries) to simplify record selection and make it intuitive for users. By default, the Name Column values are used as abbreviated entries.

When Custom Columns are selected, their values are displayed as a record title on the form and in the recycle bin listing.

Record Form & Record Picker

Record Picker & Recycle Bin

Furthermore, the Default Record Picker options define how table records look and act in reference columns created in the other tables.

Search Options

This section controls whether the table is searchable by Search for Keywords and how search results are displayed.

Allow Search

Allow Search
Check this option to include the table in the Search for Keywords results. By default, search is allowed. To exclude the table from search results, uncheck the Allow Search checkbox. This will prevent any search results from being displayed for the table. If no tables have the Allow Search option enabled, the system will hide the Search for Keywords field.
If the Allow Search option is checked, you can specify which columns will be included in the search results displayed by Search for Keywords. You can choose from the following options:

Advanced Properties

TeamDesk allows coloring for particular records or areas. The Row Colorization option is included in Table Properties and in View options. If you specify a row colorization formula in Table Properties, it will be applied to all views created in this table. In case you want to apply colorization in a certain view, just edit view settings and add formulas to the row colorization field.


If you want to apply a special colorization formula to certain rows in a table, mark the Row Colorization Formula checkbox.
The system will expand the Row Colorization section. Here you can insert colors, variables, functions, and operators into the formula.

For example, to highlight green all records that were added by the user, insert the formula:

If([Created By] = ToUser(""), "#54C254")

User Interface

Table properties include the User Interface section. It controls the user interface appearance.

The following buttons can be enabled or disabled for each role separately:

More details about Prev/Next, Save and New, Save and Next buttons can be found and read in TeamDesk blog.

User Interface

The ability to hide New and Edit buttons can be used when you want to prevent users from creating/editing records via the default interface and intend to do it with the help of workflow actions or custom buttons.

Also, there is the ability to hide Print/Export/Send buttons on views. While it can’t protect data from stealing, hiding these buttons may help to complicate it.

You may also configure user interface settings from a particular role screen - just click on a role name link. In that case, you’ll be able to configure the role’s user interface settings for all tables in one click.